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Canvas Prints

Our canvas prints are printed on a custom poly-cotton canvas for lasting durability. Stretched over solid pine frames and ready to hang. The face is coated to prevent premature fading and to protect the print.

All canvas prints smaller than 20×30 are on a light 1/2″ thick frame and all prints 20×30 or larger are on a solid 3/4″ thick frame.
1 1/2″ thick gallery-like frames are available for all images upon request.

Simply browse the images below, click on the one you want to open the page for that image. From there you can just click on the sizes you want and they will be added to your cart.

We do have the ability to create canvas sizes not listed, including custom sizes.  Just fill out the contact form at the bottom of our home page, let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll put together a custom quote for you.

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